15. Shane Walsh
Who is he: As Rick Grimes’ former friend and police partner, Shane’s betrayal is personal. Shane was Rick’s best friend since high school, and they somehow found their way back to each other at the end of the world. Obviously, Shane’s relationship with Lori created a lot of issues for the two friends, especially for Shane who couldn’t get over the fact that Rick’s reappearance naturally redefined the Grimes family dynamic once again. While Shane was Rick’s personal villain toward the end of his arc, Shane wasn’t really an overarching villain for the entire group. Sure, he’s concocted some minor lies about other characters’ fates, but he never did anything outwardly villainous to the entire group.
Worst act of villainy: Threatening Rick, attempting to kill him, then forcing Rick to kill him in order to save himself. Shane might have thought he could have protected the group better than Rick and that he had to kill Rick to keep the group safe from his leadership, but we couldn’t imagine the current allied communities if Shane did kill Rick and take over as the leading force. With Shane’s inherent confrontational and often impulsive mannerisms, there might not have even been a group left on the series if he had taken over. If there was still a community to lead, Shane’s group definitely wouldn’t be heroic in any sense of the definition. They would have adapted alongside Shane’s own villainy.
Weakness: For whatever reason, he let his mixture of friendly rivalry and jealousy with Rick transgress into a fatal altercation. While the scene itself is an iconic moment in the show’s history, Shane combativeness was ultimately his downfall, especially when the group had a lot of other problems to worry about at that time.
Redeeming qualities: He did take care of Lori and Carl when he thought Rick didn’t make it out of his coma. He had a soft side hidden somewhere beneath his aggressive personality, even if his leadership skills likely would have killed the group.
First appearance: “Days Gone Bye” (season 1, episode 1)
Last appearance: “What Comes After” (season 9, episode 5, technically in the form of Rick’s near-death hallucinations)
Death: Rick stabs him in his heart. Walker Shane is then shot and killed by Carl. (Both take place in season 2, episode 12)