Do you think Harry Potter ever looked up the work his parents did while at school?


We know that Harry Potter has an interesting relationship with his parents, struggling to relate to them and wanting to look them up so…did he search about them once at Hogwarts?

Harry Potter has always been the kind of character who wanted to know more about his parents. Mainly because he never had the chance to get to know them. So when he goes to Hogwarts and can actually look into his parents, does he do so?

Hogwarts probably has an open record on James and Lily Potter, knowing that they were the two who put a fear in Voldemort that had him running from prophecies. So, why wouldn’t Harry look into his parents and try and learn more about them?

Sure, he doesn’t know what they did because of his aunt and uncle and wouldn’t that make him even more interested in his parents? Wouldn’t he want to care more than before? Instead, we’re given Harry learning about James and Lily through other people and never knowing his parents in a way that’s not through the eyes of others.

So, do you think he went and tried to look them up? Is there a part of Harry that wants to know more about them? Or did he just want to learn through their friends? Either way, it is wonderful to see Harry learning about his parents in whatever way he does it, either way. It just is sad that Harry never got to know more about his parents while they were alive and he’s just learning after the fact.

Next. Harry Potter doesn’t know how to do much for himself and yet he succeeds. dark

Does Harry Potter want to know about his parents? Or does he try and separate himself from it all? Let us know what you think about it in the comments below!