Chris Hemsworth pulled an old-school prank on his Avengers co-stars


During the Avengers: Endgame press tour, Chris Hemsworth pulled one of the oldest pranks in the book on his fellow cast mates and shared it on Instagram.

The last time we checked, Marvel cast Chris Hemsworth as the God of Thunder, Thor — not the God of Mischief, Loki. But being such a righteous character must get a little boring, and you have to have a little harmless fun every now and then.

We can’t say for sure what made Chris Hemsworth tap into his mischievous side during Avengers: Endgame’s press tour this week, but he sure did have a sense of humor with him when it came to his other Avengers co-stars. On Monday, Hemsworth shared a video of himself scribbling all over his co-stars’ character posters.

For Chris Evans, the prankster artist drew a goatee, glasses, and freckles. For Robert Downey Jr., he drew an “I heart Thor” face tattoo. And for Gwyneth Paltrow… well, Hemsworth declares “she’s too pretty” to vandalize. Good move, Hemsworth.

In the comments, Jeremy Renner replied “I see you Hemi … I got mine at home,” with a crying laughing emoji tacked on at the end. Does this mean Renner got to keep Hemsworth’s priceless work of art at home? If so, it’s a treasure worth keeping.

Robert Downey Jr. also replied to the Instagram post with a single emoji: a sad face with a tear. In all honesty, Downey’s poster markup was probably the best, because who wouldn’t want to show their love for Thor by having “I heart Thor” tattooed on their face? Some fans can buy T-shirts to show their love, but only hardcore fans go for tattoos.

We’ll let Chris Hemsworth’s attempt at being a Bart Simpson-Picasso hybrid slide for now, because this may be the last time we see him all together with his Avengers castmates. Rumors and teasers have fans wondering if Endgame will be the last run for the likes of Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man, and it’s certain that the MCU won’t look the same after this movie.

More. Thor may die in Endgame but could live to see another day. light

Chris Hemsworth will once again appear as Thor in Avengers: Endgame, which opens in theaters April 26.