Exploring Harry Potter and the emotional boy we loved growing up


Maybe it is because he is all we knew but there is something so special about the way Harry Potter deals with his emotions in the series that makes him a very real character.

Harry Potter isn’t exactly a calm character. In fact, many describe him as dramatic but can you blame him? He is thrown into something he doesn’t particularly want or care for and has to cope with that. Would you react calmly to a situation like that?

Harry barely knew a life that wasn’t being verbally abused and treated like scum and then suddenly, he’s a famous wizard who has to deal with the ramifications of what happened to him as a baby with no one to really help him (which is on Dumbledore).

So if he’s a little dramatic, that’s more than fine. He isn’t the kind of character that is just going to willingly accept that he’s supposed to be okay with whatever is happening to him. He wants to know why and what he has to do and he’ll do it, he’ll just be a bit mad about it because he’s not the kind of character to just sit back quietly.

Maybe his sass comes at times when it probably shouldn’t but at least Harry Potter always remains true to himself and is open and honest about not liking specific aspects of his life. Especially when he has to put himself in danger.

Next. How did Harry Potter cope with actually having his own family for the first time?. dark

Harry Potter may have been through a lot but he sure did tell people when he was mad about something. Do you love Harry and his emotional reactions to things? Sound off in the comments below and let us know how you feel about Harry!