Albus Dumbledore is not that great of a man, he abandoned a child


Let’s talk about Albus Dumbledore and how he basically threw a child into dangerous situations and just let him figure it out for himself when he should have been helping.

When you stop and think about Albus Dumbledore, it is a little messed up what he did to Harry Potter. Not only did he let a child put himself in the line of danger, but he pretty much threw said child into without ever really helping him. He just let it all happen and realized after the fact that he should probably have explained things better.

Harry Potter was eleven years old, knew nothing of his life as a wizard, and had to deal with Dumbledore essentially abandoning him fro the start. So, what does that mean for Harry? It means that he knows adults to just leave him high and dry. And maybe that was the lesson that Dumbledore wanted to teach him but also, Dumbledore, come on. He’s a child!

Harry James Potter came from adults lying to him into a world where adults continued to lie to him. Was it a good thing or something he could control? Not in the slightest but Albus Dumbledore probably could have made it a little bit easier on Harry rather than just letting a child figure it all out on his own.

Albus Dumbledore maybe don’t throw a child into a war without helping figure out what to do to stop Voldemort.

Next. How did Harry Potter cope with actually having his own family for the first time?. dark

He may be a favorite and he was our headmaster but Albus Dumbledore probably shouldn’t have thrown young little Harry into this all by himself while he was mysteriously on the sidelines. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!