Game of Thrones season 8: Predictions for the show’s major women

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Ellie Kendrick, Isaac Hempstead Wright. Photo: HBO

Meera Reed

Meera Reed has journeyed beyond the Wall with Bran, seen the army of the dead, and even lost her little brother to the wights. She’s already sacrificed plenty for the Starks and for the effort against the Night King, but she’ll likely be forced to give more before the final season is through. Her people and her family live in the North, after all, and that’s exactly where the Night King is headed.

The only thing that might keep Meera and her family out of harm’s way is the fact that Greywater Watch, their home, is apparently incredibly hard to track down. The southernmost keep in the North, Greywater Watch is probably also the safest place in the North for the time being. With the Night King’s focused on the Winterfell area, the Reeds will likely have some time before the army of the dead makes it there.

That being said, it’s possible that Greywater Watch will play a larger role during season 8, particularly if Winterfell does fall to the Night King. If Greywater Watch moves enough to be undetectable, the Reeds could offer refuge to those forced to flee Winterfell. It would be a good place for survivors and those who can’t fight to hide from the White Walkers, even if it’s not a permanent solution to the problem.

Of course, Bran and Meera didn’t part ways on the best of terms, so it’s possible that she’s done helping the Starks. After Bran barely thanked her for sacrificing everything to see him safely home, we wouldn’t blame her. But being petty doesn’t seem like Meera’s style, so we’re holding out hope that she and the other Reeds will have something up their sleeves in the fight against the Night King.