Game of Thrones season 8: Predictions for the show’s major women

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Bella Ramsey. Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Lyanna Mormont

While Lyanna Mormont’s appearances on Game of Thrones have been few, the scenes she has been a part of have been powerful, and much of that is due to Lyanna’s fierce and unapologetic personality. As Lyanna has pledged herself to Jon, Bear Mountain will come to Winterfell’s aid when the army of the dead attacks. We pray for any White Walkers that cross Lyanna’s path.

Viewers have seen Lyanna demonstrate how assertive she can be as a leader, but we’ve never seen whether or not she can fight. If anyone would teach their female children how to wield a weapon, it’s the Northerners, but that doesn’t mean that Lyanna was taught. That could present a problem if she’s present for the Night King’s attack.

If Lyanna survives—and she’d better—she’ll likely play an integral part in rebuilding the North. But Game of Thrones hasn’t shied away from killing children before, so we can’t write Lyanna off as safe just yet. Her death would certainly be a hard-hitting one, and we all know how the showrunners enjoy breaking fans’ hearts.

A number of fans have also expressed that they’d like to see Lyanna meet Jorah Mormont, one of the only surviving members of her family, before the series finale airs. It would be interesting to see how the two react to one another, though there’s no telling whether Lyanna will embrace him as family or turn him away as a traitor. Though Jorah’s been pardoned officially, that doesn’t mean his house will thrilled to have a once-disgraced knight at its helm.

We’re also crossing our fingers that Arya and Lyanna get at least one scene together.