Rebecca is going to have quite the dating life on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


We know now that Rebecca is torn between all her ex-lovers but what does that mean for them? Who will she end up with on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend by the end?

Rebecca seems to have the world at her fingertips on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Last week, we saw her struggling with her own boy issues so she ran away to Las Vegas to find Audra Levine, even if the two were far from being friends. While there, Greg, Josh, and Nathaniel all found her pro and con list for them, trying to decide which of her exes she wanted to give another shot to.

So, where does that leave Rebecca now? Pretty much back where she started except that, this time, they’re all willing and ready to have her take the time to choose who she wants. From the beginning of the show, Rebecca Bunch has gone back and forth between these men. First, it was just Josh and Greg. Then, when Greg left to go to business school, Nathaniel came in and her back and forth continued.

Now that all three are there, Rebecca has had a hard time keeping her emotions for each man in check. And, for the first time, they’re recognizing that Rebecca can be happy with them all, and she can take her time to see who she fits the best with.

This coming week, we’re going to see Rebecca go on dates with all three men. Greg Serrano, Josh Chan, and Nathaniel Plimpton III are all vying for her attention in a way that isn’t as destructive of Rebecca doing it all on her own… which is maybe the lesson we should have been learning all along.

If Rebecca Bunch was just honest with these men, open about her feelings and how she was constantly torn between them, then half of her problems wouldn’t have existed in the first place. Instead, all the sneaking around and conniving is part of the reason she ended up in the mess she was in.

Now though, with them all on board and ready to help her make a decision, maybe Rebecca can finally see which of these three men are best for her. Or maybe she’ll figure out that she’s better on her own right now, focusing her energy on her sessions and those in her life rather than who she is dating.

Still, it will be interesting to see what happens on these three dates. For so long, Rebecca has been torn between these men, questioning everything to get these relationships to work and now that they’re all willing to let her figure it out for herself, maybe one of these couples actually has a chance.

Without the other men getting in the way, Rebecca might actually be able to find happiness in a relationship that doesn’t end up tearing her apart.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend review: Everyone just ended up fleeing to Las Vegas. dark. Next

Check back here on Culturess for more news, reviews, and more on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend as we get ready for the series finale! We’re not ready to say goodbye to Rebecca Bunch!