15 Carpool Karaoke episodes worth watching over and over

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Paul McCartney

There is something truly joyful about singing in the car, and nothing screams joy quite like Carpool Karaoke with James Corden. While he has certainly given us some iconic segments, perhaps one of the greatest has to be his ride with Sir Paul McCartney.

As one-fourth of the Beatles, the founding member of Wings, and the maker of an impressive solo career, McCartney is a legend in his own right. All of this is why, when we had the chance to see him join Corden for a car ride around Liverpool, we could not resist. Luckily, with 24 solid minutes of material, we have plenty to appreciate.

For McCartney and even some of us, the ride around town was a trip down memory lane — that included an actual trip down the infamous Penny Lane. Of course, McCartney can’t drive down Penny Lane without singing the famous song as well, and Corden was with him all the way. I know I sang along too. Even the instrumental sections that allowed the singer to play tour guide were iconic in their own way.

And “Penny Lane” wasn’t the only awesome song we were treated to during this epic Karaoke ride. We also got an emotional “Let It Be,” a lively “Drive My Car,” and an excellent “A Hard Day’s Night.”

From the music selections (which were perfection), to the memories and moments shared, this was one Carpool Karaoke that we can watch over and over again. In fact, we have watched it enough times that we have it at the top of our must watch list.