8 Italian pop culture perfect recipes that you can’t refuse

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I’m going to give you an offer you can’t refuse… a list of 10 Italian recipes inspired by some of your favorite iconic gangster films and hustler characters.

A short New York, Bronx accented Italian man named Tony told me once “There are two types of people, people who are Italian and people who want to be Italian.”

If you are Italian or have ever known any full-blooded ones, you would know that that tiny Tony was right. Italians have pride that goes well beyond their height. They love talking about it and they love letting others know that they are Italian. It almost acts as a credit.

I’ve had more than one fellow Italian introduce me with that credit saying “It’s ok, she’s Italian.” The Italian heritage is strong in ethics and in its history. Not only Italian history from the old country but the history of what Italians have brought to America and how they have stayed strong through they’re communities and families.

The stories of some of these Italian American legacies have been turned into movies and shows. Many gangster movies and mafia inspired characters have been idealized and become immortal on the screen. These movies, whether dramatized or not, always involve a common theme — food.

Some of the best scenes are always around a full table of delicious food. You may start watching The Sopranos and by the end of the episode, you have to order a pizza. Even if you’re not a gravy (sauce) maker or if you may not know what gabagool (salami) is, here’s a list of Italian recipes represented in some of the best Italian films and television shows of all time.