Game of Thrones season 8 photos are here and look glorious


Feast your eyes on the dark, somber fashions that seemingly everyone will be sporting in Game of Thrones season 8 — with one exception, of course.

How very like HBO to drop the first batch of photos from Game of Thrones season 8 in the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Before you get too excited, there’s no trailer or anything like that, but there are photos for many of the major characters, with only a few outliers missing.

Take one more deep breath, then we’ll dive in and start commenting.



First, the photo above is the only one that shows Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen together. Take what you will from that. (It’s also the only one where she wears her white coat.)

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Let’s start with Cersei Lannister, who is eschewing some of the silvers she favored in earlier seasons for a return to Lannister gold as well as some chains. Note that it almost looks like she’s wearing a jacket or coat — layering to keep warm, perhaps?

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

And here’s a full look at what seems to be the dress she’s wearing above. Cersei alone is probably going to be a theme of the season, no doubt.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

No fancy armor for Jaime this season, although it does look like he’s ready for war yet again. It’s also rendered in what some might say is Targaryen black. That expression is perfectly him, too.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Brienne looks like she could be reacting to Jaime’s expression, honestly. There are some similar shapes in their armor as well, perhaps signaling his shifting loyalties more than any change in her. Also, they’re both knights. Of course they’d wear armor.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Speaking of costume changes, this is a bit of a shift for Varys, who usually doesn’t wear out-and-out black. But he’s on Team Targaryen for now, and the more layers, the better.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Davos Seaworth is almost the outlier in here in that he’s wearing a color that isn’t a neutral. The green suits him, though. It also looks like it could be suede or something else warm.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Our boy Sam Tarly really hasn’t changed much. Honestly, that’s the right character beat for him.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

The texture is very Targaryen for Tyrion Lannister, but the streak of blue is something new. Keep an eye on it going forward.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Sansa Stark has mastered the art of the dismissive face, and she wears it well. Peep the chains here, too. Sansa has worn them a lot more visibly in recent seasons, but it could be an echo of or call back to Cersei, too, even though they’re far apart.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Here, we have a computer sitting by the fire.

Okay, it’s Bran Stark, but there’s nothing really new here. Again, it’s not a bad idea.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

A girl looks ready for murder. It’s also important to note that Arya is both standing in front of people who also look ready to fight, and that she seems to have a second weapon ready to go.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Jon Snow is still the master of brooding. Do we spot a little man bun back there in his hair?

Also, note the armored people in the background. Winterfell is still at war.

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

We end, of course, on the Mother of Dragons. Daenerys looks almost pleased in this, and that wrap around her shoulders and chest is new. The fur calls to her famous coat both in stripes and material, but the darker color scheme is more straight Targaryen.

25 Game of Thrones theories fans should know before season 8 airs. dark. Next

Game of Thrones returns April 14.