Good Trouble tackles sexism in the workplace


“Allies,” the third episode of Good Trouble is covering the relevant issue of how women are viewed as inferior in the workplace.

We’re in an age where woman are raised to believe they’re lesser to the opposite gender due to how we’re treated in the workplace, how our president and government talk about us, and how generally unsafe we feel in this current societal climate. But thankfully, we’re taking strides to overcome that.

It’s always nice when that theme is portrayed in a television show, and especially when that show is reaching a younger generation and hopefully leaving a lasting mark.

I have a lot of thoughts about where Mariana’s storyline is going to go in this show, and I hope that she eventually finds a place in her new workplace that feels comfortable to her. It seems like some of the people at her company are so supportive of her being there while others are very opposed.

One person in particular is the other female coworker, who tells Mariana like it is. She was the first one to tell her to “dress down” after showing up to work in a flashy red dress. She also told her not to be too “eager” because then you come off as somewhat of a know-it-all. Even though I disagree with some of this (why shouldn’t you be able to wear whatever you want to work, assuming it’s still professional), I’m glad she has someone to be honest about all of this.

Another one is the teammate who doesn’t agree with Alex. He needs to speak up a bit more if he wants to stay on Mariana’s good side though. But I think that could be a great ally for her.

I’m pretty confused about Evan Speck. When Mariana confronted him in the elevator, he seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. But then his secretary yelled at her for doing so. Now this past episode, you see a scene where Evan asks another coworker why Mariana never got to meet with him like she requested, and the other coworker said he reached out to her and she didn’t respond. What’s the deal here? Are people protective over him? Do people just not want to see her succeed?

Mariana seems to have her hands full this season at work but it wouldn’t be Mariana Adams-Foster if there wasn’t some boy drama in her life, so I’m anticipating that storyline as well. And who knows, maybe it’ll be with a fellow coworker?

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Catch the next episode of Good Trouble next Tuesday on Freeform at 8/7 p.m. CT.