Bandersnatch showrunners reveal deleted scenes were much more violent

If you thought Bandersnatch was dark, Black Mirror’s co-creators reveal the interactive episode’s deleted scenes were much worse.

Black Mirror‘s “Bandersnatch” still has us freaked out over what occurred during the Netflix series’ choose-your-own-adventure styled episode.

Being in control of the actions of the main character and trying to figure out all of the different endings and scenes was definitely stressful. Whether you loved the episode or hated it, you likely have some sort of opinion on this groundbreaking episode of Black Mirror.

Themes explored in the episode inspired a lot of conversation amongst fans about free will and ethics. Black Mirror fans have also expressed how grim this episode felt, likely because we as the audience had to initiate many of those dark and gritty moments.

HuffPost UK interviewed the co-creators of Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones, to discuss the episode and the process behind creating it.

Even with all of the footage and scenes that can be accessed in “Bandersnatch,”there were some scenes that didn’t make the cut. Brooker says, “There are a couple of bits we cut out, very small bits… we could conceivably go back and add them in for ‘Bandersnatch 2.0’… the Mega-Drive years.”

Now, we’re all for more content being released, but apparently “Bandersnatch” could have been a lot more violent. Jones shared there was a scene involving a stabbing that didn’t make it to the final version. And that’s not all, folks.

Beyond the violent stabbing scene being cut, there was one other graphic scene that didn’t make the cut (sorry, sorry).

According to Booker, “if you chop up the body, sometimes Colin or Tucker would come over and discover you covered in blood. And then you had the choice to confront them then and there on the doorstep. Whereas now they only come round if you buried dad in the garden. Which was a nightmare, because we shot these whole scenes where Fionn was covered in blood, and ultimately didn’t use them.”

When asked if they were pleased with fan’s reactions to “Bandersnatch,” the showrunners expressed fans shouldn’t feel too bad if they failed a few times. If you found yourself making “the wrong choices” right off the bat, that’s really just part of the “Bandersnatch” experience.

As Brooker says, “We’re trying to make you fail a couple of times so that you have to go around and do things again, and that’s sort of baked into the story… We don’t expect you to do all of them, it’s just the more you do, hopefully the more fun an experience you’ll have.”

Bandersnatch had some pretty intense and graphic moments as it is, so maybe it’s for the best that some of these scenes were cut, even if they do sound pretty interesting.