19 feel-good shows to start 2019 off right
By Sundi Rose
The Good Place
The what: The Good Place is the break-out hit starring the ever lovable Kristen Bell and it is as charming as it is clever. It tells the story of five folks, after their death, and what happens when you land in “the good place” — the non-denominational way to say “heaven.” Bell is newly dead, Eleanor, alongside good place architect, Micheal, played by Ted Danson, who has never been more likable or endearing.
The feels: Although the comedy is sharp and often a little esoteric, it is one of the most poignant shows on right now. Bell strikes a sweet balance between the trash person she used to be while she was alive, and the earnest person she’s trying to be in the afterlife. Even when the jokes are mean, you still get a sense that the characters are sincere and trying their best to work their stuff out.
I don’t know about you, but that resonates with me in a real way. I often resolve (for the New Year) to be and do better, and these characters feel like incarnations of my better self. They also have genuine chemistry with each other, proving you can be really awful sometimes, but you still deserve love.
The deets: You can catch up on seasons one and two on Netflix right now. However, the third season will air it’s season finale soon, so you can catch up on recent episodes on Hulu or NBC.com. Aside from Bell and Danson, the show has lots of faces you’ll recognize, and some you will grow to adore just as much. There is also a fun, show-driven podcast, hosted by the actor who plays Shawn, called The Good Place, The Podcast.