“Space Mall” (Season 2, Episode 7)
While this is a strange one to have on a list of essential episodes, we included it because it captures the humor of Voltron in the best way possible. The name of the episode says it all. Coran takes the paladins to a galactic version of an Earth mall, where each character has to go in search of new teludav lenses for the Castle of Lions.
The episode has the perfect balance between comedy and drama because at the same time, Shiro is trying to strengthen his bond with the Black Lion. In the process, he learns about the Black Lion’s origins and its connection to Allura’s father, King Alfor, and Emperor Zarkon. Intense things happen, including Zarkon connecting with Shiro on a psychic plane. Thankfully, Zarkon’s connection to the Black Lion continues to weaken, allowing Shiro to form a better bond.
Meanwhile, the paladins go off course and get distracted by their side adventures. Hunk improves the menu of a fast food restaurant, Pidge and Lance sift through a fountain to get more money for a video game, and Keith talks with a knife salesman in order to find out more information about his unique blade. Coran is the only one who stays on track, and after a funny exchange with an Unilu swap vendor, he gets the lenses they need.
The most hilarious thing to come out of this episode, though, is the cow Lance and Pidge get for free after they purchase the video game. All of the characters end up on its back as they try to escape the mall cop. It’s Voltron humor at its best.