Shakespeare and Harry Potter: The actors who love to bring his work to life


The Harry Potter series has some incredible actors in it and, the majority of them, have been a part of Shakespeare shows but, particularly, Hamlet.

Shakespeare and Harry Potter are surprisingly connected. Then again, they have wonderful actors taking part in bringing the story to life so it only makes sense. With Hamlet though, there are quite a few people in the series who have either taken on Hamlet himself or other characters within the play.

Famously, Kenneth Branagh, who plays Gilderoy Lockhart, took on Hamlet by playing the title character and directing it. If that wasn’t enough, David Tennant, who was Barty Croch Jr., also played Hamlet and now, Tom Felton, is in Ophelia which is connected to…you guessed it, Hamlet.

Oh and we can’t forget that Helena Bonham Carter was Ophelia in Hamlet as well. Basically, the majority of the cast of Harry Potter has at least dabbled in Hamlet at some point in their career. If it wasn’t Hamlet, it was Much To Do About Nothing or A Midsummer Night’s Dream or really, any Shakespeare show out there.

Maybe that’s why these performances were so amazing, they were actors who could tackle even the hardest of works and bring these character to life in a way that we all understood. So, if you feel so inclined, you can go and watch any of your favorite Harry Potter actors take on William Shakespeare and his plays. It might just take you a minute to understand what is going on.

Next. Harry Potter and Sirius Black: Their holidays spent together. dark

Who is your favorite actor in the Harry Potter movies? Do they have a Shakespearean past? Sound off in the comments below and let us know who you love the most! And, if they did do a Shakespeare, what part did they play?