19 movies we’re definitely looking forward to in 2019

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Forget New Year’s resolutions. One of the best parts of starting the next 365 days is cataloging all the awesome movies to come in 2019.

Certainly 2019 will have a lot of good going for it. From Disney classics to Marvel masterpieces, social thrillers to gory remakes, there’s something to look forward to in the coming year for everyone.

2019 is, in many ways, a year of endings. Marvel’s Phase 3 will conclude with Avengers: Endgame; Star Wars Episode IX will tie up the newest trilogy; and How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World will be the final movie chapter of Hiccup and Toothless’s story. But it’s also a year of new beginnings. From live-action remakes to freshly polished reboots, many franchises are starting off new concepts which could spawn many more exciting films in the years to come. Many franchises are returning after a decade or more of slumber, bringing back old favorites gone just long enough to start missing them.

It’ll be a great year for horror, with multiple Stephen King movies slated for release as well as an exciting new and grittier reboot of an old supernatural comic classic. And whether animated or live-action, Disney has a ton of cool new movies lined up for 2019, most of which are bound to be good. There will be many familiar faces next year, but also some new and exciting offerings too.

Now that we’ve got all the best movies of 2019 cherry-picked for the coming year, all that’s left to do is buckle in and white-knuckle it through the long wait until the release dates. But don’t worry; they’ll be worth the wait.