25 Game of Thrones theories fans need to know for season 8

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Episode 65 (season 7, episode 5), debut 8/13/17: Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington.

photo: Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

Jon and Daenerys will have a child

Though Jon and Daenerys complement each other well, that isn’t the only possible benefit of the two of them ruling Westeros together. There’s also the notion of an heir to think about. As Tyrion points out during season 7, Daenerys will eventually need an heir to ensure that her vision for the world endures. He brings up “other ways” of finding a successor, but perhaps those ways won’t be necessary in the end.

As far as we know, Daenerys is incapable of having children. Mirri’s curse has left her barren, and Daenerys has since confirmed that she doesn’t believe she’s able to conceive children. However, it seems doubtful that she’s ever tried to conceive a child with anyone after Drogo, and she’s definitely never tried to conceive a child with another Targaryen.

We’ve never been given a reason as to why Targaryens wed Targaryens for centuries, but it’s possible that there was a reason beyond purifying their bloodlines. It’s possible that keeping the bloodline pure could strenghthen the possibility of a child, or even the child itself. Though it’s been implied that the Targaryen “madness” stems from this incest, it’s also possible it could work in Jon and Daenerys’ favor.

Many fans believe the two will conceive a child, despite the fact that Daenerys doesn’t believe it’s possible. They’ve already begun a sexual relationship with one another, so now fans will have to wait and see. If the two do wind up ruling together, though, it does make sense that they’d find a way to produce an heir. And the topic has been approached by the show already.

Some have even suggested that an heir produced by Jon and Daenerys could be the Prince That Was Promised. But that’s a whole other discussion.