25 Game of Thrones theories fans need to know for season 8

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Episode 67 (season 7, episode 7), debut 8/27/17: Isaac Hempstead Wright.

photo: Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

Bran will use time travel to save Westeros

If Melisandre can’t use her powers to save Westeros from the army of the dead, it’s possible that Bran will be able to. As we discussed in earlier slides, Bran’s combination of powers allows him to affect time—though it isn’t clear to what extent he can do this. If he’s capable of seriously altering time, though, it’s possible that he can change the course of the Night King.

While some fans have suggested that Bran will have disastrous results from going back in time, including becoming the Night King, others have posed the idea that Bran might actually save the day using his abilities. After all, Bran is able to change Hodor’s future through his time traveling and warging abilities. And he speaks to Ned when he returns to the moment of Jon’s birth, though it’s unclear as to whether this makes any difference to the events that unfolded in the past.

Still, if he’s capable of affecting Hodor this way, then it’s possible Bran can alter events on a much larger scale. We’ve suggested that he might have been Bran the Builder, or even the Night King himself, but what if he’s just Bran? What if that in itself is enough to stop the White Walkers from invading?

While most theories that go in this direction suggest that Bran will save the day by warging into Brandon the Builder, it’s possible the show could take another route altogether. Bran could alter events that have already happened in the series, or even go back in time to prevent the White Walkers from being created—hopefully without becoming their leader in the process.