Episode 65 (season 7, episode 5), debut 8/13/17: Kit Harington.
photo courtesy of HBO
Jon Snow is the Prince That Was Promised
In a more expected turn of events, Jon could also end up being the Prince That Was Promised. Given Jon’s heritage and accomplishments throughout the series, it makes sense that the show would make him the hero prophesied by the religion of the Lord of Light. But even beyond the fact that it makes sense structurally, there are other reasons Jon fits this prophecy.
To begin with, the prophecy claims that the Prince That Was Promised will be someone who was “born amidst salt and smoke.” It’s a strange and specific phrase, but it certainly gives the idea that the prophesied prince was born amidst chaos. And the seventh season of Game of Thrones confirmed that Jon was the child born in the Tower of Joy. There’s nothing more chaotic than being born in the middle of a battle to take the castle and throne from its current king.
Melisandre, a devout priestess of the Red God, also believes that Jon Snow is the Prince That Was Promised. She tells Davos as much, presumably based on the fact that he was able to return from the dead. Clearly, she believes that Jon still has work to do—most likely saving Westeros from the White Walkers, as the prophecy suggests. Of course, Melisandre was wrong about the first person she believed was the Prince That Was Promised, so we’ll have to take her word with a grain of salt.
It’s unclear whether Jon has the power to pull a sword from flames currently, though there has been plenty of emphasis on Jon’s current sword, which was gifted to him by Commander Mormont. There’s also a chance that Lightbringer could come from Sam’s discoveries and Daenerys’ dragons. We all know they’re making weapons from dragonglass, so why not a sword for Jon?