Ranking Doctor Who’s modern day companions

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The Paternoster gang

Fine, if you want to get super technical about it, the Paternoster gang have also technically never been companions in the strictest sense. But since they obviously have a long history with the Doctor, they clearly count.  After all, if you don’t immediately love a group of Victorian-era alien detectives who solve crimes, protect London, rescue the Doctor and are just generally fabulous in their own right, what are you even doing watching this show?

The Paternoster crew is made up of Madame Vastra (a Silurian), her human wife/maid Jenny Flint, and their Sontaran butler Strax. The ragtag group came together, largely thanks to the Doctor, following the battle of Demon’s Run, and subsequently helped him with many difficulties, including Eleven’s battle with the Great Intelligence in “The Name of The Doctor” and Twelve’s regeneration in “Deep Breath.”

Outside of all their good work helping the Doctor with his various crises, the group is just generally a delight to watch, from the sweet, flirty relationship between Vastra and Jenny to Strax’s constant confusion about almost everything Earth-related. It’s easy to imagine that these three could sustain their own alien procedural drama if given the chance. (I’d watch, is what I’m saying.)

Best episode: Season 7’s “The Crimson Horror.” While not a particularly great episode on the whole, “The Crimson Horror” does give the Paternoster gang – particularly Jenny – a lot to do. The group must find and rescue the Doctor by having Jenny infiltrate the weirdo pseudo-utopian community Sweetville, led by Mrs. Gillyflower. (This episode is also memorable for the fact that it managed to get Dame Diana Rigg of all people to run around with a plastic alien attached to her chest. Sometimes this show is honestly just the best.) Anyway, Jenny discovers and rescues the Doctor, and Strax ultimately gets to take out the baddie in the end. Not bad for a group of “almost” companions!