20 biggest TV moments of 2018 we’ll never forget

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Even though it’s been a tough year, there were some bright spots. These are the 20 biggest TV moments of 2018.

I don’t know about you guys, but I look to TV as an escape, a coping mechanism, and sometimes a therapist. When the world is going completely wild outside our window, we can always turn on our small screens to get away and hide. Even though it’s been tough to avoid all the terribleness, there have been some pretty big moments this year television-wise.

These 20 biggest moments on TV have gotten me through some of the worst of the year, even if that meant a Sunday on the couch with a hangover. Check out this list and consider it a time capsule of sorts. It’s a way to look at 2018 and not hang your head in disgust. Whether it was reality, comedy, hour-long dramas, or animation, TV really delivered big in 2018, and I hope I did it justice.

I’m sure I’ve missed something, so don’t be afraid to remind me of your favorite TV moments in the comments, or you can tweet me with your suggestions and additions. Also, I’d love to hear any predictions for the new year. It’s never too early to start looking out for the big moments of the upcoming seasons.