15 items that will magically transform your living space to feel like Hogwarts

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Harry Potter fans living in the muggle world can spruce up their living spaces with these magical items… at least until their Hogwarts letters finally arrive.

It’s no secret that most Harry Potter fans have been not-so-patiently waiting for their Hogwarts letters to arrive since their 11th birthdays. It’s pretty difficult to immerse yourself in J.K. Rowling’s world and not wish you could jump into the pages and live there. And we know that our letters are coming in the mail eventually…

But until those Hogwarts letters do arrive, Harry Potter fans have to settle for living in the muggle world. And living arrangements in the muggle world—from dorm rooms to apartments to houses—can be somewhat dull at times. So, why shouldn’t fans spruce up their living spaces with some of the magic they know and love from J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World?

Not only will having Hogwarts-themed decor around your living space make it feel more like being at Hogwarts itself, but it’ll take you back to some of your favorite memories of the series. Whether your favorite moments involve Quidditch matches, House Cup competitions, or just watching Harry overcome obstacle after obstacle, there’s Harry Potter decor out there that perfectly matches your tastes.

So, if you’re looking to add some magic to your home, look no further. Stores like Hot Topic, ThinkGeek, BoxLunch, and Bed Bath and Beyond sell adorable Harry Potter merchandise for every room you can think of. Shower curtains and towels can bring you back to the Prefects’ bathroom with Moaning Myrtle, while Hogwarts pillowcases and Golden Snitch alarm clocks will allow you to doze off thinking of your favorite story.

Here are 15 Harry Potter items every fan can use to spruce up their living space.