15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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The twists!

Speaking of kids, if you ever feel a little bit sad, we recommend that you search ‘kids reacting to I am Your Father’ on YouTube. The videos will cheer you right up, as children, encouraged by their Star Wars-obsessed parents, are blown away by the revelation that Darth Vader is in fact Luke’s father.

It’s perhaps easy to forget the earnest, wide-eyed way children view the films, that they witness the magic as real and take every little plot point completely to heart, so what better time to introduce them to Star Wars than a season where their magic tolerance is at its highest?

Some will say that the Force is not magic. Others will say that it doesn’t even exist, but at them, we blow raspberries. The Force, we think, is the very same thing that flies Santa’s sleigh. Santa is a Jedi. You heard it here first.

Honestly, though, how many times have we all wished we could see the series with new eyes, and watch it without knowing anything that was going to happen?

Even those of us who came to the series late knew because of Star Wars’ cultural impact that Darth Vader was a famous cinematic father, but it is still an amazing twist, one so shocking that Darth Vader himself didn’t believe it. It (fortunately, given that it’s in one of the most successful franchises of all time) bears repeated viewings.

So if you really want to give someone a surprise this holiday season, show a person who doesn’t know their Mandalorians from their midichlorians that scene. Give them the gift of Star Wars.