15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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Harrison Ford

Right, this might seem like a bit of a curveball in terms of what makes Star Wars a great holiday movie, but hear us out. The holidays can be a time for togetherness and relaxation, right? It’s for friends, family, and more than a little bit of joy. Well, there is one person guaranteed to hit all those sweet spots, since all the charm in the world was given to him as a gift when he was born back in 1942.

That’s right, we’re talking about our beloved dead-panner and pilot-actor Harrison Ford.

Harrison Ford is objectively a dreamboat. There’s not a person alive who doesn’t want to either be him or be with him. He’s the epitome of cool. For example, the line in The Force Awakens where Finn and Rey ask Han if he’s Han Solo and he replies “He used to be”? That’s something Harrison Ford actually says when asked if he is Harrison Ford (!). Our knees are weak just typing that.

Empire Magazine readers deservedly voted Han Solo the best character in the entire franchise last year, and as Empire acknowledges, the character would be little without the effortless charm and swagger of Harrison Ford himself. (Ford, in fact, appears three times on Empire’s 100 Greatest Movie Characters list – three times! Twice in the top three!)

As Empire says, “You may stand in awe of Vader, or Yoda, or Obi-Wan, but you want to be Han Solo.”

Seriously, if anyone in your party has any doubts as to whether you should be watching Star Wars this holiday season, just tell them Harrison Ford is in it. That should do it.