15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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Its message is about fighting for good

Star Wars wouldn’t resonate with so many of us if it didn’t have such a powerful message. We’ve been going on about this saga for 41 years now, there must be something to it. And we think that something is (gird your loins…) the power of forgiveness.

Not to mention, good triumphing over evil and the importance of trying your best, even when the odds don’t seem in your favor.

As StarWars.com says,

"Another important theme in Star Wars is the power of coming together to realize a common goal. History provides many examples of individuals and factions from different geographic backgrounds and diverse ideologies embracing differences to unite against a common foe."

Arguably, all of these themes could come under one umbrella: hope. There’s no denying that the world we live in can feel a bit dark at times (to put it mildly), and to have not one, but 10 movies that all give us hope helps shine a little light instead.

As StarWars.com adds, “Hope is contagious. If you remain optimistic, share your hope with others, and put your feelings into action, you can change the world.”

It’s an important lesson to learn, and one that we all take to heart. In a world full of Kylo Rens and Emperor Palpatines, be the Luke, Leia, and Han. Be Chewie. Hey, be the guy who brings Leia the plans to the Death Star in Rogue One.

If there’s one thing we all need during the holidays, it’s hope. And goodwill to all men. Star Wars preaches both (even if you’re literally Darth Vader).