15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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It teaches patience (don’t get angry with your family on Christmas)

Star Wars taught us love. Star Wars taught us patience. And goodness knows, Jar Jar taught us all pain.

But it’s the patience part that’s especially important to remember during the festive season. It’s well-established that the holidays are a time for peace, joy, goodwill and giving, but we probably don’t talk about patience enough.

The holidays, as much as they are fun, can be super stressful. There’s a lot to do, with gift-buying, tree-decorating, and Elf on the Shelfing all quite high up on the agenda. Tempers run high.

Couple that with family and friends descending upon one another, existing in closer quarters than usual for a good length of time, emotions are simply flying everywhere. It’s hard not to get caught up, no matter how much you love the people you’re spending time with.

You know, family is important to Star Wars too. It is the story of the Skywalkers, and Luke and Leia alone make a formidable team, with their bond strengthened by their love for one another. And then there’s Darth Vader’s redemption, as Luke relinquishes his anger in favor of forgiveness to save his father, instead of damning him.

As Yoda says in Return of the Jedi, “Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.”

Instead, remember Luke’s lesson, and cherish your family. Remember Obi-Wan’s lesson and choose the higher ground. The holidays are a time for love, and patience plays a huge part in that. Choose the light side of the Force this Christmas.