15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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December is technically Star Wars month

When Star Wars finally came back in 2015, Disney basically declared December Star Wars month, as all the joy, stress, excitement of the holidays were pushed aside temporarily to make way for the only thing we could concentrate on: The Force Awakens.

They followed up that winter release the following year with Rogue One, also released in December, and then of course, last year came The Last Jedi at the same time. We’ve basically developed a Pavlovian response to December: the minute the clock turns midnight on Dec. 1, we hear the main theme and our thoughts take the form of a crawl.

But this year, there’s nothing. No Star Wars content. Solo came and went in May, and now we’re sat here like the grasshopper who han all summer with nothing to show for it and with no new Star Wars movie to keep us warm during the long winter nights.

Just as well we’ve got 10 old Star Wars movies to keep us going then, isn’t it? There’s plenty to choose from, whether you watch the original trilogy, the prequels, or any of the newest films (and really we’d urge you to watch them all), your lust for the galaxy far, far away will be sated.

It’s December, as we’ve established, so it’s practically tradition now. That’s what we’ll say anyway, muttering to ourselves as we pop in the DVDs on Christmas Day: it’s cold, it’s holiday season, and we must have our Star Wars.

Perhaps this salivating for a new Star Wars is what Disney had planned all along with their scheduling. Make the holiday season – already commercialized out the caboose – synonymous with Star Wars. Two porgs, one stone. We’ll see you in the Disney Store too. We’ll be drooling next to the lightsabers.