15 reasons why Star Wars is a perfect family holiday movie

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The adventure!

We’ve talked a lot earlier about hilarity of the Star Wars films, and though we maintain that they are not extremely serious movies, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be taken seriously. Space operas can be credible too, and when you’re persuading your family to watch Star Wars with you over the holidays, you can tell them that from us.

Every movie is a solid family adventure movie, to the point where, last year, I moved from Indiana Jones to A New Hope without my mom even noticing a thing (that one was set in space clearly eluded her).

We’ve already mentioned that there are characters that appeal to everyone, but so too will the plots. It’s classic good-versus-evil, exploring the galaxy, swashbuckling-in-space goodness. It has quips that will delight children and adults alike, and is, in parts, gripping, even when you know what’s going to happen.

Last year, Wired did an article explaining Star Wars for people who don’t know what it is (or “normal people” as they put it.) The responses sum up exactly why it’s a perfect movie to watch over the holidays.

“Epic story of good vs. evil, totally immersive worlds, Leia & Han’s dynamic, plus lightsabers & spaceships are cool. Also, at 12, when I first saw Star Wars, I totally wanted to be a Jedi. (That may still be true.)” said @DuncanAlexander on Twitter.

Ultimately, Wired concludes, it is a series about friendship, childhood, and storytelling — all key ingredients for an excellent holiday season.