The Wizarding World and Westeros: How’d Harry Potter fair in Game of Thrones


Magic exists in Westeros but how would our wonderful boy, Harry Potter, fair if he somehow found himself in the world of Game of Thrones? Would he survive?

Harry Potter is a great many things. He saved the wizarding world many times, he managed to defeat the killing curse, and he is the Boy Who Lived. But could he survive in Westeros? Game of Thrones, known for killing characters off without mercy, is filled with brutal men and women, many of which have magical abilities all their own.

So would Harry even stand a chance? He out-smarted a dragon but barely and Daenerys has three. Melisandre can conjure magic that Harry has never seen before. What happens if his wand breaks while he is there? He’s basically just a normal man then.

There is so much about Game of Thrones that is out of this world but even Harry Potter, who is out of this world himself, couldn’t be certain to survive. There was a great deal of deaths in the Harry Potter series as well and honestly, which one killed off more of our favorite characters?

Between Robb Stark and Fred Weasley, no fave is safe. Including, but not limited to, Harry Potter himself. He could easily be murdered by Tywin to win a battle, a direwolf could sneak up on him and rip him to shreds. And this is all within the wall. If he comes in contact with a Wildling? All bets are off.

The boy who lived may not be able to live in the world of Westeros but it would be fun to see him as part of the series.

Next. Does superheroes and comic books exist in the Harry Potter universe?. dark

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