Captain Marvel: Could she be a Skrull and does it even matter?

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Ms. Marvel Nol. 2 #26. Photo Credit: Marvel Comics.

Reasons she might not be a Skrull

Given the MCU’s devious marketing techniques, the clip of Carol next to the Skrull could be a misdirection or an entirely fake scene. After all, we still have our doubts that the MCU would kickoff Captain Marvel’s origin story by retrofitting some inspiration from Skrull-related story arch that took place in another Captain Marvel’s comic book appearances.

Even if the Skrull in the Captain Marvel trailers does attempt to extract Carol’s memories in the film, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the Skrull succeeds. Since Carol has the strength and tenacity to move planets, she could easily overcome any of the Skrull’s attempt to subdue her and take her memories.

This could also be why Carol sees flashes of her life on Earth while she’s talking to Nick Fury. If the Skrulls did fail at extracting her memories, they could have triggered her real memories to resurface during the albeit failed process.

Granted, her periodic flashbacks to her real memories could be a side effect of Carol’s abilities naturally overcoming the Kree’s implanted memories and brainwashing. As the trailer suggests, the Skrulls try to tamper with Carol Danvers’ mind as well, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they succeeded in semi-permanently capturing her and assigning a Super-Skrull to imitate her.

Whatever failed memory replication tactics or otherwise might still be fruitful for the Skrulls in future Captain Marvel films. Since the Skrulls created a Carol-Skrull imposter in Ms. Marvel Vol. 2, their cinematic incarnations could horde some date from Carol’s memory and use it to surprise Carol and viewers with a Skrull imposter in a future film.