Grindelwald is a better villain than Voldemort? In what world is that true?


Someone had the audacity to say that Grindelwald is a better villain than Voldemort and we have a lot to say about how untrue that statement really is.

Really? In the year of our Lord, 2018? You’re going to say that Grindelwald is a better villain than Voldemort himself? Please, check yourself. ScreenRant decided to make the bold statement that Grindelwald is a better villain than Voldemort which is almost laughable.

Like, Voldemort carried out what Grindelwald couldn’t. He followed through on their insane beliefs and, if he hadn’t listened to the prophecy, he could have managed to be successful (a scary thought when you think about it). So how is Grindelwald, who clearly fails, better than Voldemort? Because he was the first racist?

It is obvious that, currently, Grindelwald is the big bad because we’re watching his storyline play out on screen but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s any worse than Voldemort is. Really, they’re both two terrible men who have horrid viewpoints on other people in the world. So should we really be trying to compare them when, instead, we should just focus on how terrible they both are?

That being said, yeah, Grindelwald started the idea that would fuel Voldemort and his vision and so maybe they’re just too intertwined for us to say that one is worse than the other. At the end of the day, they’re both two terrible men who are known for trying to kill people for their own warped beliefs so maybe we just have to accept that they are both equally horrendous and we shouldn’t look up to them.

Next. Do we really need to have three more movies in the Fantastic Beasts series?. dark

Who do you think the worst villain is? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!