New reports out of the Star Wars Episode IX spoiler mill keep on coming out, and this time, they concern what Rey will do with a broken lightsaber.
The reports from Star Wars Episode IX haven’t stopped arriving, and it’s hard not to see some parallels in today’s biggest tidbit, via Star Wars News Net and ultimately a thread on Reddit which has had other pieces confirmed by Making Star Wars. In short, don’t take this piece of news as completely confirmed, but it seems like it’s more likely than not at this point in time.
Apparently, Rey will, in the time between The Last Jedi and Episode IX, fix the Skywalker lightsaber in order to keep it as her primary weapon. This really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, although SWNN treats it that way. Sure, we won’t learn how to fix a broken lightsaber on screen, but there’s probably some piece of Star Wars lore out there that describes the process (or there will be in order to tie in to Episode IX … perhaps a comic). But the more important justification comes from, as these things tend to do, the original trilogy.
Between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Luke constructs his own green lightsaber, with not much of an acknowledgment as to having done that in the film. Granted, the reports have it that someone will note the reappearance of Rey’s lightsaber, so the parallel isn’t quite perfect, but the point remains.
More interestingly, though, it might provide the basis for a new level to Rey and Kylo Ren as they appear in Episode IX. Both of them, according to reports, will fix something of theirs that has been broken: Rey her lightsaber, and Kylo his mask. Of course, one could also point out that she is rebuilding a weapon that may or not be actually tied to any kind of legacy she necessarily lays claim to, while he is recreating something that’s more of an intimidation and a metaphorical tie to his ancestry.
As always, it’s complicated by the fact that we don’t know what’s going to happen in the film yet, although at the rate these reports keep surfacing, we may know more than we think come Dec. 20, 2019.