The Good Place preview: Let’s learn more about Janets!
The Good Place returns from its one-week hiatus with plenty at stake. Can the team survive Janet’s void? Or will something even worse happen?
Last week without a new episode of The Good Place was horrifying. Well, not really—since it was Thanksgiving, not much was new on television. But it’s okay! Because we’re thankful that The Good Place is back this week with a new episode. Unfortunately, there are only so many new episodes left this season.
This week’s episode is titled “Janet(s),” and that feels very ominous. Here’s the official synopsis for the episode as well, courtesy of NBC:
"With Janet’s help, Michael hatches a plan."
This may be the worst of the synopses so far this season. It pretty much tells us… well, nothing. Michael always has had Janet’s help from the very start of this whole thing. So let’s try to guess what this week’s episode will entail.
If you think back over the last three seasons, we haven’t seen any other Janets besides Bad Janets aplenty. Our Janet is the only Good Janet we’ve seen. And you already know how I feel about the potential that no one is actually in the real Good Place.
It’s very possible that our Janet is the only good Janet around. But she’s so far beyond what a standard Janet should be that maybe once our crew makes it out of Janet’s void, they go for a raid on the Janet warehouse.
What’s a better impartial judge that a newly booted-up not-robot-not-girl? (Because the current Judge Gen doesn’t really seem that impartial either…). And to watch D’Arcy Carden act against herself for a scene, good Janet against good Janet, might just be one of the best things this show can do.
Plus then we’ll get to learn more about what a Janet truly is!
There is good potential that The Good Place is setting us up to fail on this quest, but not in the way you’d expect. We may just end up rebooting the entire afterlife system before this season is out.
Does that feel too predictable? This show certainly runs on unpredictability.