11 ways to keep skin fresh during the harsh winter cold


Winter can be harsh on our skin, but there are things you can do to minimize the damage. From tips and tricks, to products that work, there are ways to keep skin fresh through the cold.

We all know that the harsh cold of winter can be a menace for our skin. From chapped lips to itchy, sandpaper areas of your body, it seems like ’tis the season to suffer. Sometimes it feels like all sorts of new things pop up (since when did our skin start flaking off like a permanent case of dandruff?!), and that’s why it is important to take care of ourselves.

Luckily, there are plenty of products out there to help and even tips and tricks that will allow you to keep things fresh even during the harshest winter cold.

Keep skin clean

This might seem obvious, but no matter what season it is, it’s important to keep yourself clean. It is especially important for your face which is exposed to the harsh cold without much protection. We recommend using gentle cleansers that are non-foaming. You should also use cooler water because, while we may want the warmth of hot water, it will actually strip moisture from your skin.

Use a cream cleanser

So we know it is important to use a cleanser that is gentle on the skin, but maybe you aren’t sure what to choose. We suggest a cream cleanser in the winter because not only are they more gentle, but they even help to hydrate while you are cleaning. Beautycounter’s Nourishing Cream Cleanser tops our list of must-have winter products.

Use facial masks

Facial masks have become all the rage lately and there is a reason for that. If you are looking to protect the skin from all the harshness of winter cold, we recommend using patchology’s FlashMasque Facial Sheets. Not only are they easy to use, but they are a great way to rehydrate skin and help with skin that feels tired.


Speaking of hydrating the skin, it is extremely important to moisturize all winter long. Here’s the thing, the lack of humidity in the air is going to strip you of moisture, which means finding a way to replace it is the key. There are actually a lot of options when it comes to moisturizers, including options for morning or night. And we definitely recommend doing a routine that includes applying moisturizer with your morning makeup routine, and then once again at the end of the day when you are cleaning your face before bed.

Pick the right moisturizer

It’s just as important to pick the right moisturizer as it is to use it. But with so many options out there, it can be hard to get exactly what you need. However, having a basic understanding of what types of products are out there will make all the difference, especially if you know what kind of skin you have (oily, dry, combination). Once you know what will work for you, you will be able to pick up a moisturizer that will help protect your skin throughout the long winter months.

Use sunscreen

This might come as a shock, but even in the winter, you should be using sunscreen. In fact, it can actually be just as damaging in the winter as the summer, especially with the glare off of freshly fallen snow. Slather it on your face, hands, basically everywhere that the sun touches because the last thing you want is a winter burn.

Use an antioxidant serum

A lot of people think antioxidant serums are just for anti-aging, and while they certainly help with that, it’s not all they are good for. These serums actually help with inflammation, which is definitely something you will have to deal with during the harshness of winter. And if you are looking for some good options, there are any number of choices that even dermatologists recommend.

Exfoliate your skin

Just because it is winter, doesn’t mean you should forget about exfoliating. In fact, you definitely should be exfoliating as it will help slough off the dead and dull skin that is making your complexion seem lifeless. It will bring back the glow of summer, while also being exactly what you need for radiant and healthy skin. However, we suggest going with a chemical exfoliator like Mario Badescu’s Enzyme Cleansing Gel, which won’t irritate any vulnerable areas.

Use eye cream

So if you are someone who doesn’t usually use eye cream, winter is the time to change that. The skin around our eyes is extremely delicate and winter weather can cause damage. Using eye cream can help with preventing fine lines and wrinkles, as well as stopping chapped skin that can make your eyes hurt and water.

Use lip balm

Sometimes we forget that our lips need love in the winter, too. But it is important to use chapstick, lip balm, or something moisturizing. The last thing you want to do is go through the winter with lips that hurt, are cracked, and are chapped. Plus, there is nothing sexy about a flaky pout, so keep those lips moist with the help of lip balm.

Keep your scalp hydrated too

The top of your head is just as important as the rest of you. And winter’s harshness can cause flakes (and not of the snow variety). Keep your scalp hydrated by using a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for hydration. Even if you just do this once a week, it can really make a difference when it comes to protecting your scalp from drying out.

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Winter can be rough on our skin. But if you take care of yourself and remember to moisturize excessively, you will get through the season with your skin in tip-top shape.