Harry Potter didn’t study, didn’t do work, and overthrew a dark lord


It is funny when you stop and think about how Harry Potter didn’t even cast a successful in the first movie but how in the world did he manage to defeat Voldemort?

Harry Potter would be nowhere if it wasn’t for Hermione Granger. That much is clear. She helped him through exams, find the horcruxes, and is still his best friend when he’s an Auror. So how in the world did a boy who never studied and didn’t even cast a successful spell in his first year at Hogwarts somehow defeat the Dark Lord?

In what world would a kid be able to do all this with Harry’s lack of discipline? This boy would have failed out of every school he was placed in if Hermione Granger didn’t constantly yell at him to study and pay attention. In fact, most the time, Hermione did stuff for him. So how did he overthrow Voldemort?

Well, as McGonagall puts it, “Sheer dumb luck”. He isn’t exactly trained and he’s definitely not who we’d pick to defend the world if it came down to it but Harry ends up successful in his work and it, somehow, doesn’t backfire completely.

Sure, maybe a kid shouldn’t have had that burden but he was a horcrux himself so he didn’t have that much of an option. Should it have been maybe an adult? Yes. Does that make Harry any less of a badass? No, but hopefully he went and finished his time at Hogwarts and still trained before becoming an Auror because he didn’t know what he was doing 99% of the time and that’s not good for the wizarding police.

Next. Harry Potter and the world he’d live in if Credence is really a Dumbledore. dark

How do you think he studied? Was it all Hermione? Sound off in the comments below!