Favorite book: Why Order of the Phoenix is the best in the Harry Potter series


We all have our favorite books out of the Harry Potter series so it isn’t surprising that we all have the book that we think is the best. But here’s why that book is Order of the Phoenix.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the best book in the series. Sure, maybe that’s because it just so happens to be my favorite but also because the book does a great job of telling the story of Harry and his fear of losing those close to him. Throughout the series, we see glimpses of his abandonment issues but nothing very concrete.

In Order of the Phoenix, he finally is faced with the reality that no one believes him, he could be alone, and he may lose Sirius Black, the only real father figure he’s ever had. So Harry is worried about what will happen to him and the world since no one is believing him that Voldemort is back.

Of course, in the end we know that they all suddenly believe him but it is after he has to watch the death of Sirius Black. All he wanted was to live a life with Sirius and be one with his godfather but because the Ministry wouldn’t listen to him, he is without Sirius and Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew go on and continue to torture and kill people for two more years.

It shows how unfair the world can be, how a teenager like Harry Potter is rarely taken seriously, and how the government could have stopped this war long before the Battle of Hogwarts if they just listened to Harry.

Next. Professor Flitwick is a descendant of goblins and got to go to Hogwarts. dark

Which is your favorite book in the Harry Potter series? Sound off in the comments below and let us know which you love best!