Professor Flitwick is a descendant of goblins and got to go to Hogwarts


Remember how magical creatures couldn’t go to Hogwarts? Well, their descendants can if they end up being enough ‘wizard’ because the wizarding world is bad.

Magical creatures can’t go to Hogwarts because the wizarding world is super outdated and needs a change in pace. That being said, Professor Flitwick is a very interesting case and so is Hagrid. They’re both descendants of magical creatures but they are also part wizards. That human part of them means that they get to go to Hogwarts.

While Flitwick is a distant descendant, Hagrid is closer related to his giant part of his family. Madame Maxime is a half-giant as well and that’s why she is the Head Mistress of Beauxbaton. But why is this system still okay among the wizards? There are creatures that can truly be helping make their world a better place and they refuse to help them.

Why? Because they can become more powerful? Well, that’s idiotic. The war against Voldemort was won because the magical creatures took to the sides of Harry and his friends to take down the Dark Lord. If they were properly trained at Hogwarts, imagine how easy the battle could have been! We may still have some of our favorite characters.

As we’ve stated before, this seems like something Hermione Granger would aim to fix and yet she doesn’t when she’s the Minister of Magic. Maybe the wizarding world will never sort itself out but they should begin to include magical creatures into Hogwarts to learn and help.

Next. Hermione Granger and SPEW: Why she wanted to save the house elves so badly. dark

Do you think the wizarding world will ever sort out their system of who can and cannot go to Hogwarts? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!