20 Democrats who are likely to run in 2020

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8. Elizabeth Warren

The state of establishment politicians is hard to determine now, much less try to predict in two years. In the political world, two years is more than enough time to make or break even the most seasoned representative or senator. However, that doesn’t mean long-term political figures are completely out of the running. The combination of experience, legislative history, and visibility is a hugely powerful set of factors going into the 2020 elections.

For Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, her visibility could be a double-edged sword. She’s become a prominent critic of President Trump, butting heads with him on almost every issue imaginable, from women’s rights to immigration reform. She even went so far as to release the results of a genetic test indicating Native American ancestry. That’s after Trump mockingly referred to her as “Pocahontas,” given that Warren — who was raised as white — had referenced her supposed Native ancestry during a law career.

Will voters want somebody who is willing to go toe to toe with a controversial, bombastic president like Trump? Or, will they tire of ultimately superficial, tit-for-tat measures like the genetic test? Some worry that Warren would be too liberal for voters, making for an easy defeat if she faces off against a Trump re-election campaign.

What’s the evidence? Warren has been making plenty of speeches lately that sound an awful lot like campaign talking points. In August, she told an audience that “It won’t be easy. We’re going to have to fight uphill. But me? I’m going up that hill. And I hope you are, too.” It could be nothing but talk, sure. But, combined with the fact that she’s been making connections in vital states like Iowa and South Carolina, things are starting to look pretty clear.