A unique episode stars two different types of Supernatural monsters, as the Winchesters go their separate ways for a one-off story. Jack and Charlie help out.
The action, drama and comedy was split into two individual stories in this week’s episode of Supernatural called “Optimism” as Sam helps Charlie with a missing person case whilst Jack convinces Dean to take him hunting for something else. The pairings were really clever and funny and it might just be the best episode of season 14 so far.
Firstly, let’s talk about Sam and Charlie because their storyline was slightly less exciting. The pair hole up in a truck next to a bus stop where several people had been reported missing. The editing was really comical as the action of Dean and Jack’s hunt kept bluntly cutting to Sam and Charlie sat in a car, bored and trying to generate conversation.
Sam and Charlie discuss hunting and their future, with Charlie giving some detailed insight into the apocalyptic alternate reality she came from. It’s really interesting to hear a character describe the uprising of the angels in the alternate universe because all we’ve really seen is apocalypse world after it had already been destroyed so it definitely added some background and depth to that story.
Sam manages to convince Charlie to stick around for a bit longer in the hunting community after she reveals that she wants to quit, which was really sweet. Together the two research-and-books-obsessed hunters discover and kill a Musca, which is a hybrid between a human and a fly. This was a brand new monster to the show which definitely switched up the episode and kept it fresh.
Meanwhile, Dean and Jack enjoy some bonding time when they investigate a zombie case. There are so many great and funny moments in this episode between Dean and Jack including when Jack doesn’t quite understand the concept of courting and what sex really is. There’s also a great twist when the seemingly innocent, overly-jumpy, hopeless romantic librarian turns out to be a necromancer. What’s worse is that the witch is still on the loose at the end of the episode and, after developing an intense crush on Jack, is determined to find and kill him in order to make him her next zombie puppet.
However, the witch isn’t Jack’s only problem because the last scene of the episode shows Jack coughing up blood and collapsing. Jack has become a surrogate son to Sam, Dean and Castiel so if he is dying, this will massively affect the team. Jack is also pure of heart and has constantly tried to do the right thing, desperately wanting to continue helping people even without his angelic powers. If this is the end for Jack, it will be a heartbreaking and difficult revelation for the Winchesters.
Alongside Sam and Charlie, who clearly have their similarities in their objectiveness and intelligence, as well as Charlie initially wanting to quit hunting, which was what Sam strived to achieve many times and he advises her of the difficulties, Dean and Jack mirror each other massively in this episode. Both Dean and Jack open up to each other about their past mistakes. They are both filled with guilt and regret for their choices, and are angry for not being able to change what happened. Dean, having trouble dealing with the consequences of allowing Michael to possess him, is able to find comfort in Jack and Jack, now powerless, can find strength in Dean.
On top of all the amazing character development and interactions, the episode also brought back a couple of old elements that long-running fans of the show will appreciate. This included Dean and Jack eating pie, something the older Winchester lives for but rarely gets to eat much anymore, and Jack using the word “Christo”, which is Latin for God, to distinguish whether they were dealing with a demon. “Christo” has actually only been used once in the show way back in season 1, so it was definitely a blast from the past and a lovely ode to the beginning of the show.
What was your favorite part of the episode? Let us know in the comments!