Charmed: Will Niko return to the show or is this the end of her story?

Last week saw the departure of Mel’s girlfriend, Niko, from the show after the Charmed Ones cast a spell to re-write time. But is Niko really gone for good?

Middle Charmed sister, Mel, and her girlfriend, Niko, have arguably presented the strongest relationship and romantic connection on the show. Mel’s sisters, Maggie and Macy, have yet to focus on a romance as intense as Mel’s. Thus Mel and Niko have become central to the romantic storylines on the show, and we’ve seen the couple go through a lot in just a few episodes.

Firstly, in the “Pilot” episode, Mel becomes excessively angry all the time after her mom is mysteriously killed and this creates a barrier between her and Niko, who is a police detective investigating the death. Mel and Niko take a break because Niko felt that she was being pushed away. After Mel starts to come to terms with her mom’s death, the couple rekindle their relationship, but Mel then faces another struggle when attempting to balance her witch life and her love life. Mel becomes more and more stressed about keeping the massive secret from her girlfriend, especially as that girlfriend is a detective and is constantly involved in the same demonic murders that Mel and the girls are looking into.

It’s safe to say that in the first five episodes of the new reboot, we have come to know Mel and Niko’s relationship very well, which made Mel’s time-altering spell all the more tear-jerking. Niko now no longer knows that Mel exists after the Charmed Ones re-wrote time during the last episode “Other Women.” Mel makes the difficult decision to do this after a powerful shapeshifting demon sets out to kill Niko. With no other way to ensure the safety of the one she loves, Mel sacrifices her feelings in order to save Niko’s life.

This loss is more than likely going to negatively impact Mel and her ability to focus on her witch duties and destiny. With grief this heavy weighing on her, and after spending so much time with Niko, it will undoubtedly be difficult for her to adjust to being alone.

However, something else has also been impacted by the time-altering spell. After the sisters re-write time, they discover that Mel no longer has a job at the university, because previously Niko ensured Mel didn’t sleep through her alarm and was on time to her interview for the role. With Mel not teaching, this might cause emotional or financial consequences for the sisters. Mel teaches woman studies and is a self-proclaimed feminist so this knockback might make Mel even angrier and distressed, since she is unable to reach for normality in what she enjoys.

The spell the sisters cast on Niko might also cause other consequences yet to be discovered. Will there be a point where the girls attempt to reverse their enchantment so as to put everything back to normal? Mel and Niko had a sweet and respectful relationship so I think we’re all hoping that they do end up together again. Even if the spell isn’t reversed, Mel might break under the temptation and try to find Niko, wanting to get back with her. Niko is also a detective, and even if she and Mel take time to get to know each other again, she could prove useful for all the Charmed Ones as they fight against evil. Admittedly it would be heartbreaking to watch Mel interact with Niko, her having full knowledge of their history and affection whereas Niko is completely oblivious to it all.

Mel and Niko’s relationship during this season felt very concrete, long-term and permanent, as Niko was heavily involved in every episode and the couple began spending more and more time together. With everything turned on its head, we hope this isn’t the last we see of Niko.

Do you want Niko to make a re-appearance? Let us know in the comments!