Charmed: Will the Charmed ones’ secret be revealed?

As each sister struggles balancing their love life with their destiny — who will crack first and reveal their magical secret to their partner?

So far on the Charmed reboot, it seems as though the romantic storylines have taken precedence over the supernatural elements on the show. Maggie continues to value her social life, advising her older sisters on their personal issues, Macy wrestles to be more confident and sexy, and Mel feels torn between her witch destiny of saving the world and being honest with her girlfriend, Niko.

To answer my original question, as Mel has the most serious relationship with her partner, when compared to her sisters, and is a stubborn and outspoken character, it’s likely that Mel will be the first one to reveal her witch powers to her partner. Last week’s episode showed that Mel was already finding it difficult to hide such a massive part of her life from her girlfriend, eventually leading Harry to comfort Mel by saying he would try and get permission from the elders to allow Mel to reveal her secret to Niko.

As Harry is going to start fighting for Mel’s wishes, it might not be long before Niko finds out the truth, which might be helpful in more than one way. As Niko is a detective in Hilltowne, she could be useful in gathering police data and warning the sisters if any missing people or unusual cases show up. We’ve already seen the merger of magic and science with Macy utilizing her knowledge from her university lab job to defeat demons. Drawing from the police records and resources may create a similar result, helping the girls massively.

Mel isn’t the only sister with a close romantic interest though, as last week’s episode saw Macy receive her long-awaited kiss from Galvin. A work colleague and close friend, Galvin is obviously attracted to Macy and, with a little help from Maggie, Macy allows her feelings to take over a little bit, accepting Galvin’s affections. Similar to Niko, Galvin could also aid the sisters in the fight against evil as he also works in the science lab with Macy. However, does Macy have the confidence to let Galvin into that part of her life, and will she be allowed?

How would Niko and Galvin react to the Charmed ones reveal? Would magic strain those relationships? Maybe the secret would put Niko and Galvin in danger?

Lastly, Maggie has shown herself to be very sociable and popular with boys. However, despite all her efforts, and being an advice support beam for her two older sisters’ love lives as well, the last episode revealed Maggie may be running into some trouble. Maggie finds out that Parker, a boy who had previously flirted with Maggie whilst she was waitressing, is actually already in a relationship with the head of Maggie’s sorority.

Personally, I think Parker seemed a bit shady and suspicious from the very first meeting, and not just because he’s hitting on other girls whilst already in a relationship. Could Parker really be a demon, set on getting close to the girls or weakening them? He’s already done a good job by putting Maggie in an awkward position, offering another distraction from her training and witch duties, ultimately making her less of a threat for evil spirits.

What do you think Parker’s true intentions are? Let us know in the comments!