Does Harry Potter understand the importance of Halloween to children?


A truly sad truth about Harry Potter is that he had a terrible childhood. So does he know what the joy of trick-or-treating can bring to children or no?

Harry Potter grew up in a family where the Dursleys doted on Dudley. It was never about Harry and what he wanted so it is easy to see Harry not really understanding the fun of Halloween. Sure, we probably watched as his cousin got ready to go trick-or-treating but he never experienced it.

In fact, when he got older and learned the truth about his parents’ deaths, it probably wasn’t exactly that fun for him either. On Halloween, Voldemort went to Godric’s Hollow to kill Lily and James Potter, with the intention of also murdering Harry James Potter in the process.

Obviously, it didn’t happen but that doesn’t mean the wounds of that night don’t weigh heavily on Harry still. So add that to his lack of a fun Halloween experience growing up and this holiday probably isn’t going to be a favorite for the Boy Who Lived.

All that being said, maybe Harry’s own children help him learn about the fun aspects of Halloween. When he has Albus, James, and Lily to help show him what can be fun about it, he might like to dress up and go out more than he would on his own. Too bad we can’t see Harry having fun with his family on Halloween.

Next. Halloween and Hogwarts: There’s never anything good to come of it. dark

Do you think Harry goes trick-or-treating with his own kids? Maybe Ginny made the experience better for Harry throughout the years? Let us know what you think! It’d be nice if, as an adult, Harry had the opportunity to love the holiday and spend it with his children!