John Barrowman thinks Doctor Who’s Chris Chibnall may save Torchwood


John Barrowman is a fan favorite and Chris Chibnall knows it. So it isn’t surprising that he may save Torchwood for the sake of Jack Harkness.

No one wants to bring Torchwood back more than John Barrowman, and that’s saying something because we all love and miss that show more than anything. But it seems as if Barrowman is doing the most to try and get the show back on the air.

According to Radio Times, Barrowman is already speaking to Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall about bringing the show back. Chibnall, who was the showrunner and a writer on Torchwood from 2006-2008, seems to be on board with Barrowman. That is, according to Barrowman himself, who said:

"I was doing meetings with different production companies all around the US including the CW, and the one things out of everyone’s mouth was ‘How would we get a hold of Torchwood? To do it?’"

Barrowman went on to say that Chibnall told him that, when things calmed down, they would discuss a reboot of Torchwood and see what they could do with the show. As of now, there is nothing concrete telling us that the show will, in fact, return. But the idea that John Barrowman is openly campaigning for it is reminiscent of Barrowman’s entire love affair with Doctor Who.

He has consistently been the one to put the idea into everyone’s heads that Jack Harkness would return to our screens. Whether it be on Doctor Who or Torchwood, it seems that John Barrowman wants to be Jack again just as much as we want Jack Harkness back into our lives.

Barrowman went on to say that the one with all power was Chris Chibnall. If he wanted Jack Harkness back, he could make it happen. And with the way the eleventh season is going, there could be a fitting role for Jack (especially with this last episode titled “Rosa” where a time traveler tried to change history).

Nothing is for certain but, come on Chibnall. Having Captain Jack back would be incredible.

dark. Next. John Barrowman shares his tiny disappointment about Doctor Who premiere

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