Maggie may just be getting a grip on her abilities, but will we see all three sisters develop and become even more powerful in the reboot?
As a tool to maintain momentum and excitement, the original series of Charmed allowed for all three Charmed sisters to discover over time that their individual powers were growing and becoming more potent. They even began developing brand new powers. Although the reboot has only aired two episodes so far, can we expect the same progression in the new series?
The second episode of new Charmed reboot, which aired last Sunday, partly focused on Maggie, the youngest sister, and her struggle to attempt to block her telepathic powers, agitated that she could constantly hear her friends and boyfriend’s thoughts. Unlike her older sisters, Mel and Macy, who managed to craft almost complete control of their powers, of freezing time and telekinesis respectively, within the Pilot episode, Maggie does not yet have control over when she can read someone’s mind. Every time Maggie touches another person, even by their clothes, she can hear their direct thoughts.
Although Maggie begins the second episode of the season upset for being given the power of telepathy, and jealous of her sisters for having more useful powers, she soon realizes her worth. By the end of the episode Maggie appreciates that her empathetic ability is just as important as her sisters’, as she discovers through her telepathy that the spirit of their mother was actually a demon trickster wanting to drain the sisters’ magic.
Saving the day, there appears to be hope for Maggie to take a grasp of her powers and learn to blossom with it rather than see it as a curse. However, will Maggie be happy if she develops more powers? Although the Charmed sisters are still getting over the shock of learning of their destiny and witch heritage, how far off are we to seeing their powers enhance?
Maggie is based off of the original character from the show, Phoebe, who had the power to see visions of the future. In the original third season, Phoebe develops another power to levitate, an active power that allowed her to be just as influential during physical demon attacks as her older sisters. As well as this, Phoebe’s mind also became stronger, eventually leading to the power of empathy, the ability to feel the emotions of others.
Although still training to be a witch, empathy may be something Maggie develops in the future alongside her telepathy, meaning her character will be able to feel other people’s emotions and desires as well as just read their thoughts. Like Phoebe, the reboot might also allow Maggie to match her sisters by being physically significant in combat. In the Pilot episode, Maggie surprises herself when she manages to kick a demon across the room. At some point, her character might discover that she has skills in fighting, such as enhanced strength or agility, or she could be given an active power like her sisters.
Furthermore, Maggie might not be the only sister getting more than one power. Mel and her power to freeze time are based on Piper from the original series who, in season 3, finds that she can no longer only freeze molecules, but that she can speed them up as well to the point of an explosion. This becomes Piper’s most used power as she leads attacks and effortlessly destroys countless demons with just one easy gesture. Since Mel’s been presented as a stubborn and angry character, this explosive and dangerous ability doesn’t seem far off from surfacing in Mel’s portfolio.
Finally, Macy, a character inspired by Prue from the original Charmed, has the power to move things with her mind. Prue was considered the strongest of her sisters with the most useful power, and this also developed allowing her to project her consciousness into an astral form or spirit, meaning she could appear somewhere else if her body was trapped. As Macy is introduced as the most intelligent of the sisters, it’s likely her powers will get stronger. She may be able to astral project, move multiple objects at once, or take control of an oncoming energy blast from a demon. Also, there’s always the possibility of Macy being able to train her telekinesis to make herself fly… but let’s not get too excited.
Now, these advancements may not happen in the first season of the reboot. However, we can always theorize with hints and predictions of how the sister’s witch powers will develop in the future.
What powers do you want to see surface or advance? Let us know in the comments!