Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Harry and Hermione’s friendship


Harry Potter and Hermione Granger have been friends for quite some time and seeing their friendship in Cursed Child reminds us of where they’ve come from.

Everyone has their friend relationship in the Harry Potter series and mine was always Harry and Hermione. While I wanted them to be in a relationship and get married, their friendship still held significance to me. So when Harry Potter and the Cursed Child showed these two still working together and relying on one another, my Harmony loving heart swelled three sizes bigger.

When you read the play or watch it on stage, it is as if their friendship hasn’t changed in years. They are there for each other, still getting into trouble, and trying to find what works for their careers and their children. Hermione puts up with the insanity that Harry presents to his friends and she entertains his ideas.

Harry relies on Hermione and always looks to her for advice and to be there when he needs her most. Basically, nothing changed and it reminded me just how much I loved them to begin with. They are just two people who truly need one another. Harry needs Hermione to remind him to stay grounded and do what is necessary to survive and Hermione needs Harry to remind her to live a little.

Granted, she also finds that in Ron but Harry understands her in a way that Ron doesn’t and maybe that’s why her and Harry are best friends. They are both outsiders looking in at the wizarding world and it brings them together in a beautiful way.

dark. Next. How do the muggles not realize there are wizards around them?

Do you like Harry and Hermione as friends or if they were together? Let us know your favorite Harry Potter relationships!