Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery werewolf identity revealed


The mystery over who the werewolf is in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is officially over, his identity has been revealed.

Until very recently, the logo that appeared when loading Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery was always the same. It featured Hogwarts, the player, and Hogwarts Professor. Then, after a significant update, it all changed and there was a whacking big werewolf in the middle of the screen.

Who this werewolf was has been heavily speculated amongst players, ranging from the fairly plausible, to the outright ridiculous. Speculation is no longer required, however, as developers of the mobile game have officially unveiled who it is.

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Please note, this will be a spoiler for those of you who have yet to take part in the Halloween Feast limited-time side quest.

Right, so if you are still here reading away, I’m assuming you are all good for the big reveal. Here goes.

During the Halloween Feast limited-time side quest, the annual Halloween Hogwarts feast is interrupted. Three werewolves end up attacking a student. A duel takes place with one of the werewolves, while the other two escape. You then spend the rest of the quest, figuring out who the heck they are by looking for clues.

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Eventually, you learn who the leader of this pack of werewolves is, and it is the one and only Fenrir Greyback. The future rapid dog of Lord Voldemort, and also the man responsible for turning Lupin into a werewolf.


It’s never been fully known what Greyback got up to between the fall of Lord Voldemort and his rise to power the second time, so this does give the opportunity for fans to get some answers to questions they have, assuming Jam City is willing to answer them.

More importantly, however, we now have the answer to who the werewolf is in the loading screen. Our next question now is, what impact will Greyback have on the future of the game?

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Were you surprised when Greyback turned up? Share your thoughts below.