Meghan Markle opens up about her first job and the lessons it taught her


Meghan Markle revealed the important lessons she learned from her first job, while speaking to a girls school in Australia.

While the Duchess of Sussex is now a working royal, alongside her husband, Prince Harry, the former actress has had a few different jobs in her life. While speaking to a group of students at Australia’s MacArthur Girls High School, Meghan Markle revealed what her very first job was, and what lessons it taught her.

A tweet from Daily Telegraph reporter Hannah Furness revealed that while the Duchess was chatting with some of the girls from the school she told them, “My first job when I was 14, I remember taking out the trash, all sorts.” And because of this job, it taught her about responsibility and how it gives a person “a good work ethic.”

This may just be one of the most relatable things Markle’s spoken about. Her having worked as an actress sounds like a dream job to many, and her humanitarian work is inspiring. But this kind of job, a chore so many of us know all too well, is extremely relatable.

In speaking to the students of MacArthur Girls High School, Markle also connected with the girls by talking about her own experience at an all-girls school. According to Furness’ tweets, the Duchess told the girls, “I went to an all-girls school which was incredibly diverse as well. I think being around such empowered young women, it becomes something that you all just grasp onto to understand your world. It’s made you confident, well-spoken.”

And while these young women might have a sense of confidence because of their schooling, that is not all they have developed, as it seems they are trying to change the world in their own way as well. The students were putting together boxes of supplies for women in need that were delivered to police stations and other locations where they can get help. These actions all caught the notice of Meghan Markle who told the students, “You’re doing really, really good work and I’m so happy that we’re here. We give you our full support.”

Whether she was sharing her first job with the students or praising them for their charitable works, it was clear that the Duchess of Sussex had a connection with these girls. Perhaps it was because of their shared history of being students at an all-girls school or even the connection they seem to have as women trying to do good for others. But whatever the reason, the connection seems clear and makes us love the Duchess more than ever.

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With Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continuing their royal tour, we think there will be even more of these moments to love and appreciate. And we can’t wait to see what else we learn about the new Duchess and her past.