Harry Potter and the knowledge that these kids don’t have a kitchen


When you stop and think about the Harry Potter kids, you may think of their amazing classes and the friendships they make. But what about the kitchen?

There are a lot of things about the Harry Potter series that are questionable but there is one thing that we don’t ever talk about: What is the deal with the kitchen? So we know that the students can access the kitchen, we saw that much with Winky.

But what is the deal? Can they go in whenever they want to get snacks and drinks? Maybe it is because boarding school is a strange concept for many Americans but we here don’t really know what it is like to go away from home to go to school unless you’re going to college.

So at Hogwarts, do these kids get to go get drinks whenever they want? Like if they wake up and decide they want to get some toast in the middle of the night, can they access the kitchen to do so? Basically, what are the rules because it seems like, logistically, there are a lot of problems with Hogwarts as a functioning place for children.

If you can’t leave the dorms after a certain point, how do these kids use the restroom? If they don’t have around the clock access to food and beverages, what do they do if they are very thirsty? There are so many random questions about Hogwarts that we may never have the answers to but at least we can bask in our love of this series.

Next. Please watch this video of Voldemort dancing to Dangerous Woman. dark

Do you think the kids have to just eat in the Great Hall and that’s all? Or is the kitchen free game at all hours? Sound off in the comments below and let us know!