Chris Evans reveals that fans won’t be disappointed by Avengers 4 and responds to his Marvel Cinematic Universe farewell tweet.
At ACE Comic Con this weekend, Chris Evans took the time to clarify his tweet about the end of Avengers 4 filming. Now, if you’re a Captain America fan, you’ve likely seen this tweet.
Fans, including us here at Culturess, were pretty traumatized and emotional over the idea that Evans had finished filming as the character. Many people also speculated that this tweet meant that Steve Rogers really was going to die in Avengers 4.
Here it is:
Evans took the time to clear this up at the panel he was on during the con.
"I should clarify that I know I did tweet something that made a lot of people think that it was in some way a spoiler. I should clarify that regardless of how Avengers 4 ends, I would have tweeted the exact same thing. That last day of filming was a very emotional day and it was the culmination of almost 10 years of filming and 22 movies, this unbelievable tapestry."
This is definitely a relief. While it was unlikely Evans would give away the ending of the movie in a tweet, it is nice to get some confirmation that we still don’t know either way what happens to Steve. While it would have been nice for Evans to give us a hint about what Avengers 4 has in store for the character, we know he couldn’t, so we will forgive him.
Evans clearly is feeling a lot of emotions about the character, which is understandable considering he has played Captain America for eight years and this role undoubtedly changed his life.
He was also asked by a fan to talk about his favorite Captain America moments. He struggled to pin down one specific moment but did note how nice it was to be at the panel with all the fans, which is pretty adorable.
"That’s tough, because you have memories that are a little more shared and you have memories that are a little more personal. I mean, moment, even just like this. That really felt wonderful to here, and it was nice to hear some cheers. Not to seem saccharine, it’s the more personal moments without question. It’s the more intimate moments when you process that you are part of something that means a lot to a lot [of people]. For a lot of time, it does almost feel almost kind of like it’s happening to someone else…Sometimes it does feel a little out-of-body-ish, and over a long enough period of time, you start to feel really connected to the experience and connected to the character and connected to the world…I couldn’t tell you what the most memorable thing is, it comes in really subtle ways, but it is the more personal things."
He was also asked to talk about what his last scene/line of filming was. While he didn’t say exactly what the line was, he did reveal it was something rather insignificant, not some grand ending moment.
"Well, you know, it was reshoots, so you’re doing these little picks and pops, and it’s just little things that they need. It might have been a line to Paul Rudd. He wasn’t there, but it was a stupid line. The line wasn’t memorable to me [laughs]. The day was more memorable than the line."
He also said that while he couldn’t reveal much about Avengers 4 and other future MCU films that fans could take heart since “you will not be disappointed.”
Just like Chris Evans, we, too, are feeling emotional about possibly seeing Evans take on the Captain America role for the last time.